Thursday, 16 February 2012


Stupid headache, you totally ruin my mood today!
The day without friends, jokes and laughter are BORED! Sitting in front of the laptop, watching nothing, doing nothing. Mind thinking nonsense.
Those excite and happy were wasted. The day I'm waiting for a long long time, and I just missed it. 
Bad things keep happened these few days, I try hard to smile, to be happy. Finally there are something to makes me happy, but... How disappoint I am, how sad I am, how moody I am. Why don't you visit me another day? Why don't you never come today? I hate you seriously.

Oh god! Can you give at least one happy thing to cheer me up? I need it now, I really need it...

某些人, 我很严重的不爽你们! /-\ 我真的很没有心情 :(

不快乐, 却还要装快乐
我不是真正的快乐 x)

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Talalalala I'm BORED! /.\
Feel like dying every holidays. Mengapa nak cuti huh!? Holiday makes me sipek miss you geh x(
Oh my mama! You trying to make me paiseh is it? o.O Say my what what very what. Iaooo paiseh nia :S I know you envy laaa :p
Hiak hiak! Just now too bored dy. I took my old phone and saw the massages.. Oh my god! I saw something made me sooooo surprise! :O
Iemmm Keep mo chang now T^T

你丫你、最近为么一直吓我的? 我知道我很容易被吓啦、因为我在乎你嘛..
唉.. 我知道我们现在的处境不一样了。以前的我和你一样、而现在的我却不再和你一样。今年又没和你同班、你在班上发生什么事我完全不知道. 你不开心时、我会比以前更担心你懂么? 最近的你很不一样、很让我担心. 信息一没快乐的表情、我就会担心害怕了. 我不希望你再这样下去、我希望你天天开心、所以从今天起我不会再和你说烦人的事、而天天哄你笑 x) 加油妹妹! 还有哦、以后叫我哥哥啦、这是我唯一可以当男的时候了 xD

哈咯、我的“老婆” xDD 我没想到能和你这么好的咧、也没想到你会和我说那么大的秘密! 谢谢你的信任、我不会和人说的、放心 x) 我知道放下很难、或许一个月、半年、一年.. 或许很久很久、不过总有一天会放下的啦 : ) 放下的路程会很艰难的哦、所以要坚强点、和我一样 xD 你会比我辛苦咯、至少我不会天天见到他、而且他在很远很远的地方、想看都看不到。但你不想看、却一直看到、悲哀 /.\ 无论如何,和我的约定一定要做到! 没做到就打你屁屁了xp

最近你幸福啦hor?? 羡慕噜 :p 为么没对妈妈这样的? 吃醋啦喂 xD
明天要和我说什么jek?? 我的心lor lor luin啦 =D
是啦、你是很重色轻友啦。不过有谁不是在乎情人多过朋友的咧? 有的话站出来给我打 Blek
But hor.. 妈妈希望你不要那么重色轻友咧、这样也不好的、会弄朋友生气的, 至少改一些些铪 x)